Prof. Daniel Stavárek, Ph.D. (Silesisan University in Opava, School of Business Administratin in Karviná)
Prof. Daniel Stavárek is a Vice Rector of the Silesian University in Opava for Science and International Relations. Personal website of prof. Stavárek is available HERE.
Dr. habil. Gábor Dávid KISS, PhD (University of Szeged, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration)
Dr. habil. Gábor Dávid KISS is an associate professor at University of Szeged (Hungary). His research interests are focusing on the interactions between the unconventional monetary policy instruments and capital market assets as well as green finance. He published papers in the following noteworthy journals: Economic Modelling, Journal of Applied Accounting Research, Journal of Cleaner Production, International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance and Regional Statistics. He teaches International Finance, Risk Management and Econometrics classes. He was a guest researcher in the following research institutions: Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Economic Research (2024); Silesian University in Opava, School of Business Administration in Karvina (2014); EUIJ-Kansai, University of Kobe, University of Kyoto (2012). Personal website: