• Univka
  • Učebna
  • Porada


Excelsior Mountain Hotel

Horní Lomná, Czech Republic

7 - 8 November 2024


The Department of Science and Research at Silesian University, School of Business Administration in Karviná holds a traditional meeting of Ph.D. students and young academic researchers in various fields of science. Through a relaxed and friendly environment, it also gives attendees a chance to network with young academics and students to create and strengthen professional relationships. The programme of the conference also includes workshop about the tips for scientific activities.


Conference sessions:

  • Business Economics and Management
  • Economics and Public Administration
  • Informatics, Applied Statistics and Operational Research
  • Marketing
  • Finance and Banking


Active participation is mandatory - virtual participation will be not accepted and at least one author must present the paper on the conference. Each conference paper must have a standard structure - introduction, review of literature, research methodology, data, empirical results, conclusion and references. Papers containing literature review only will be not accepted. Participants can choose whether they want to publish their papers in conference proceedings or the scientific journal Acta Academica Karviniensia, however final dicision is a subject to a decision of the scientific committee (for more information see section PUBLICATIONS). All papers will be evaluated by experienced reviewers and will be discussed during sessions. After the conference, participants will have time to revise their papers according to reviewers´comments.


                                           IMPORANT INFORMATION - THERE IS NO CONFERENCE FEE





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